Denotes an Appropriation

Arlington Area Childcare

Our mission is to provide children (birth to school age) and their families with a safe, nurturing environment to allow them to meet their full potential. Children will learn through play based, meaningful experiences based on individual development in a consistent continuum across the ages. Happy Days’ program will continue to grow through professional development and partnerships with families and community.
2024 Annual Report

Arlington Community House

The Canfield House has served the towns of Arlington, Sandgate and Sunderland as a community resource since 1947. Some of the groups that use the space are Burdett Commons, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, The Lions Club, Arlington Public Health Nursing Services, Park and Recreation Board, Battenkill Runners, Al Anon, Arlington Garden Club and the Senior Citizens Group.

2023 Annual Report

Arlington Public Health Nursing Service, Inc.

The foundation’s mission is to improve the health of the citizens of Arlington, Sandgate and Sunderland, Vermont through scholarship awards to residents seeking to further their education in nursing or other health related fields, and by providing visiting nursing care services to the community.

2023 Annual Report

Arlington Fire Department

184 Old Mill Rd
Arlington, VT 05252
(802) 375-2323

Arlington Recreation Park

The public is invited to use park facilities, without charge (exception: a $5 donation for golf is requested), on a non-reserved basis. Park facilities can be reserved for private functions and special events. Applications available at the park office. Basketball, baseball, canoeing, cookouts, fishing, fitness circuit, 9-hole golf ($5 fee), nature trail, playground, putting green, soccer, swimming, tennis, tubing, volleyball.

Arlington Rescue Squad

Our coverage area includes the towns of Arlington, Sunderland, Sandgate, Glastenbury and North Shaftsbury. We cover over 50 square miles of terrain, and average around 550 calls per year. Our mission is to be part of the community, and provide the best possible care to the people we serve.

2023 Annual Report

Bennington County Child Advocacy Center (BCCAC)

Our primary purpose is to help victims of sexual abuse, regardless of age. We also work with children who are victims of egregious physical abuse. We strive to reduce the stress and trauma that a survivor and their family may be feeling and assist them in getting whatever support they need as they heal. The BCCAC is available to provide support from disclosure to disposition, and beyond.

2021 Annual Report

Bennington County Conservation District (BCCD)

Conservation districts were first created by local citizens in 1937 to help conserve their water and soil. Now, every state in the nation is served by conservation districts border to border, each an official body created by an act of their state legislature.

Districts now focus on agricultural concerns, water quality, forestry, wildlife, environmental education, or other related issues. All conservation districts still share one important feature, we’re bottom-up, locally-led organizations.

Vermont has fourteen conservation districts, some established according to county boundaries, others according to watershed boundaries. BCCD was established in 1946 to serve all of Bennington County and its four watersheds – the Mettowee, the Batten Kill, the Hoosic, and the Deerfield. For more information on VT’s other conservation districts, refer to the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts site.

2022 Annual Report

Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC)

The Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC) was created, pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Section 4341, by the seventeen towns and villages it serves and will work with and on behalf of those municipalities to build strong, resilient, and sustainable communities, to foster economic prosperity, and to promote a high quality of life for residents of the region.

​This mission will be accomplished through direct planning and community development assistance to town and village governments, through preparation and implementation of regional plans and studies, and through synergistic working relationships with local and regional organizations. The BCRC will work cooperatively with local governments to establish and advance regional cohesiveness, actively advocate for adherence to adopted regional policies, and facilitate effective communication between local, state, and federal levels of government.

2023 Annual Report

Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance

The Alliance members include Arlington, Bennington, Dorset, Glastenbury, Manchester, Pownal, Rupert, Sandgate, Searsburg, Shaftsbury, Stamford, Sunderland, and Woodford.  Their mission is to reduce the amount of waste disposed in landfills, by incineration or similar means by reducing the amount of waste generated, conserving resources and promoting recycling and reuse.

2023 Annual Report

BROC Community Action

BROC assists low-income Vermonters with basic needs, as well as helping them develop skills and resources for self-sufficiency through employment opportunities. Services include providing crisis fuel and utility assistance, weatherization, economic and workforce development and nutrition education.

2024 Annual Report

Center for Restorative Justice (CRJ)

The Center for Restorative Justice (CRJ) is a non-profit community justice agency that provides a full continuum of restorative justice programming and services helping both young people and adults take an active role in becoming positive, contributing members of their community. CRJ’s program continuum begins with prevention and intervention work in the schools through reentry work helping people returning to the community from incarceration.

2024 Annual Report

Martha Canfield Library

Board books for toddlers, large print books for seniors, the latest best sellers, classics,  fiction, non-fiction,  study tables, computers, video-conferencing, audio books, movies, games and puzzles,  a community meeting room, art gallery, programs of current interest, historical reference collection — it’s all here, it’s all free. Come and enjoy!

2024 Annual Report

Office of Veterans Affairs

118 State Street
Montpelier, Vermont 05620-4401
Phone Number: (802) 828-3379
Fax Number: (802) 828-5932
Toll Free Phone Number (VT only): 888-666-9844


PAVE has been successfully providing services in Bennington County, Vermont, for over thirty years. They provides a full range of services to victims of domestic and sexual violence including a 24-hour hotline, advocacy programs, emergency assistance and housing, prevention & outreach.

2023 Annual Report

Southwest Vermont Career Development Center

The Southwest Vermont Career Development Center (CDC) is committed to career and lifelong learning to prepare secondary and post secondary students for career and lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world.

Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging

A community force in creating and sustaining opportunities for elders and caregivers in our region to help assure that elders are able to maintain maximum independence and quality of life.

2024 Annual Report

The Tutorial Center (Manchester & Bennington)

Founded in 1971, TTC is a non-profit organization that provides essential, quality educational support to individuals and families in southern Vermont and upper New York State. TTC’s fundamental mission is to enhance literacy, work readiness, and other basic skills of adults and children in order to help individuals and youth succeed, strengthen community assets, and support workforce needs of employers.

2022 Annual Report

Vermont 2-1-1

Vermont 2-1-1 is an Information and Referral program of the United Ways of Vermont. By dialing 2-1-1 or by texting your zip code to 898211, you will receive up-to-date information and referrals on health and human services for your area and region. (Text between 8:00 am-8:00 pm, Monday-Friday.)

More info

Vermont Association of Conservation Districts Rural Fire Protection Program (VACD-RFP)

The mission of the VACD-RFP is improve the safety and welfare of Vermont communities by assisting local fire departments in reducing the risk of injury, loss of life, and damage to property and natural resources. Funding supports dry hydrants and other rural water supply systems.

2024 Annual Report

Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL)

We work to promote the dignity, independence and civil rights of Vermonters with disabilities. Like other independent living centers across the country, VCIL is committed to:

– services for all disabilities
– promotion of active citizenship
– working with others to create services that support free-choice and full participation in community life.

2023 Annual Report

Vermont Department of Health

The Health Department’s many programs and initiatives help Vermonters live fuller, healthier lives from birth through old age. As part of the Agency of Human Services, the department works in concert with the Departments of Mental Health, Children and Families, Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, Corrections, and the Department of Vermont Health Access to improve the health and well-being of Vermonters.

We are located throughout the six New England states and have 8 Medical Centers, over 45 Community-based Outpatient Clinics, 6 Nursing Homes and 2 Domiciliaries.

Vermont House of Representatives

The Vermont House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Vermont State Legislature. Alongside the Vermont State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the Vermont state government and works alongside the governor of Vermont to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Vermont House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.

2024 Report

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC)

The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation is a public nonprofit state organization that provides education loans to students coming to Vermont for college, and provides Vermont residents with grants, scholarships, and education loans to assist with paying for college almost anywhere. Find out more about how VSAC can help you finance your college education!